News Travel Tips Articles

States of India: A useful guide for beginners

India is a federal state consisting of 28 states, 6 union territories and the capital district. The states of India have their own history and realities of today, an independent government and laws. Each one is unique: some attract businessmen, others – lovers of relaxation at sea, and others – seekers of enlightenment and unity with space.

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First time in Thailand: the best beaches, shops and restaurants

Thailand is lucky. It has picturesque views, a distinctive temperament and a mass of attractions sufficient to attract the attention of the whole world to its exotic riches. This is one of those rare countries that can be safely called mysterious, confusing, but at the same time affordable and attractive. Hospitality is the true art of Thais, carefully cultivated by ancient history, rich in culture; it also allows people to feel at ease and relaxed in any situation.

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top 10 cities in europe for vacation

The Best Cities in Europe

Europe is a great place that caters all types of people that comes from different parts of world. It offers lots of theatrical activities and entertaining options. There is a huge array of amazing places in Europe. We have short listed few of the Europe’s most amazing cities.

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Vacation Travel and Pregnancy

Vacation Travel and Pregnancy

My daughter is very excited about her planning a getaway with her husband just a month before she is ready to deliver her baby. She is thinking out of the box for places to go that also include an airplane ride. I am also in her plan, for my husband and I would be the babysitter for their 3 boys and their dog.

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