We all know that tourism can be regarded as an excellent means of relaxation. Interesting, agile, active, restoring the psychological and physical condition and strength of a person, it is rightfully considered the most useful form of relaxation. You can get a real improvement by feeling the contrasting forms of active tourism, when your usual atmosphere and rhythm of life change sharply to almost the opposite.
Journey, road trip, traveling, hiking in your free time are one of the many options for outdoor activities.
Among the many functions of tourism there are three main:
Restorative function, which is the liberation of the individual from the accumulated feeling of fatigue. This becomes possible due to a contrasting change in the familiar environment, as well as the monotonous type of activity, into a more active and atypical tourist.
The entertaining function provides the tourist with a unique opportunity in the process of restoration and recreation to learn new places, explore natural or historical monuments, get acquainted with local residents and traditions, attend cultural events and the like.
An intellectual function is very important for the process of personality development, its creative activity, as well as for expanding cognition and self-realization. A person needs to learn new types and methods of survival, movement, safety and other factors of outdoor activities.
Unfortunately, there is no definite concept and classification of active types of tourism. Therefore, disagreements often arise between authors and travelers, what exactly can be called such a concept and what is not. In one, there is a similarity – a lot of attention to the intangible aspects of such tourism, which are usually associated with health improvement, physical and spiritual education, new means of employment and so on. It follows that a lot of attention is paid to the tourism and sports field of outdoor activities.
Active tourism is most often understood as recreation, involving complex means of transportation, requiring great effort and energy from a tourist. Also here can be attributed atypical living conditions, the need for self-sufficient food and other features of such a vacation. It is worth noting that recently, the demand for this type of tourism is in steady growth.