Rules of conduct for tourists in Thailand

For those who first went on vacation to Thailand, it is necessary to know some subtleties of the behavior of foreign tourists in this country.

  • Thais are very scrupulous about the neatness and cleanliness of their clothes. However, the rules of etiquette in some cities may differ somewhat in strictness and requirements. For example, Bangkok is stricter in this respect than Phuket. Here, clothes such as a T-shirt and shorts will not lead anyone into indignation, since local residents quite often use this particular style. However, this form is unacceptable for visiting a Buddhist temple, but tourists are not given special warnings. The main thing is to take off your shoes before entering the temple. Tourists usually wear socks so they don’t walk barefoot. The same requirement is presented for entering any house.
  • No one should touch the head of anyone. In addition, it is forbidden to point at a person or deity with his foot. In this country, the foot is considered to be a shameful part of the body. Therefore, if you point at someone with your foot, then offend him.
  • Any Buddha image must be respected. The same applies to all temples. If for some reason you do not accept Buddhism, it is better not to approach the temple.
  • If you decide to visit the cinema, then you should know that before each session they play the national anthem, which everyone, without exception, should listen to while standing.
  • Attitude to the royal family in Thailand is expressed in its deep reverence. Therefore, it is impossible to show any disregard for the king or his family members.
  • Remember that if you ask a Thais on the street a question, then his reaction in the form of a broad smile indicates that he does not understand you.

Flowers and water

In times when there was no running water in Thailand, its inhabitants collected rainwater into large vats of clay. When there was a drought, they were covered with a lid so that the water did not evaporate. Today there is water supply even in the villages, but the traditions in this country are very strong to this day, near the houses, all entrances and exits, stairs, and also along the paths are barrels of water, which are decorated with patterns of fresh flowers. It is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

For decoration, the most beautiful flowers are taken, such as:

  • pink jasmine;
  • orchid;
  • scarlet hibiscus;
  • white plumeria.

Some hotels choose one flower for themselves, which serves as their business card. It can be a lotus, hibiscus or orchid. Every morning you will find fresh flowers on rugs at the entrance to the bungalow, on clean towels, on pillows and even on soap.


National currency

Thailand Baht
Thailand Baht

In Thailand, the national currency is baht. Throughout the state, the exchange rate is the same. You can exchange US dollars for baht right at the airport, in a store or at a hotel. Some restaurants, shops and hotels accept plastic credit cards. Banking hours are from 9.30 hours to 15.30 hours on weekdays. There are ATMs at the airport and in Phuket.

Safety regulations

Phuket is considered a relatively safe place for tourists. The locals are quite friendly, so do not be afraid of them even on a deserted beach. However, the city has an area called Patong. Shown here with money in the evening is not recommended.

If we talk about swimming, then we should be afraid of strong currents and sea snakes. To protect yourself from accidental troubles, it is best to swim along the equipped beaches in hotels and not swim near stones. In particular, sea snakes are aggressive during the rainy season. However, one should not relax when diving, because snakes can meet under water.

Remember that the sun in Thailand is very active, so you need to sunbathe under the protection of a special cream. The fact is that at this latitude you can get a sunburn even with little cloud cover. You can only drink bottled water. For each guest, the hotel relies on one free bottle of water per day. Fruits purchased on the market must be thoroughly washed and peeled. What is sold with carts can be considered safe food.

Does Thailand Tip

In this country, it is not customary for anyone to pay a tip – even taxi drivers who help you bring things. Do not rely on tips and hotel staff. As for restaurants, there are no clear rules. It is allowed to give the waiter about 10% of the order amount. However, you need to know what some restaurants include in the bill and tips.